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【無需編碼的網站製作工具】Adobe Muse CC 2014.2.1.10 繁體中文版

【無需編碼的網站製作工具】Adobe Muse CC 2014.2.1.10 繁體中文版

Adobe Muse CC 是 Adobe公司出品的一款非常好用的零編碼網站製作工具


Adobe Muse CC 2014.2.1.10 繁體中文版軟體介紹:

Muse支援最新的Web標準,內含HTML5和CSS3。另外,Muse與Adobe InDesign可以很好的相結合,創作出具有交談式內容和各種流行元素的Web站台。

支援內嵌Google地圖,Facebook feed等元素,結合內建工具可提高網站互動性。支援拖放自訂導航選單、幻燈片、面板等內容。Muse支援最新的Web標準,內含HTML5和CSS3。另外,Muse與Adobe InDesign可以很好的相結合,創作出具有交談式內容和各種流行元素的Web站台。

Adobe Muse – a visual site builder, working on the principle of "mapping the changes in real time." That is, the developer does not have to open the HTML-code of the site, edit panel allows you to work with a Web page as an image. Obviously, this approach focuses on the development environments available to the user without special education.

Muse software uses new web standards, including HTML5 and CSS3 (with the support of these standards browsers), and combines precision design, creative freedom and the ability to work with libraries and platforms, while adding elements of navigation, widgets and HTML code to develop interactivity on the site. Muse allows you to make custom widgets, such as navigation menu, by dragging and dropping elements. Users can add fully customizable interactive elements including slideshows, tooltips, and complex effects of guidance (remote rollover). Muse embeds HTML finished piece of code from various sources, including from Google Maps, YouTube and Facebook. In addition, Muse allows you to test sites that are stored on the servers of Adobe, for testing and evaluation. Further, these sites may be sent to clients, convert to a paid hosting on Adobe servers or exported for FTP transfer to the sites of other hosting providers.

Crash after using font menu submenus
Cannot use In-browser editing to edit content within all widgets or text frames that have at least one inline image
Crash while dragging and dropping full screen slideshow between pages
Crash when entering an invalid port while using SFTP on Mac
FTP upload fails if access to an .htaccess file is blocked
Pages with Synchronized Text published to a subfolder on Business Catalyst fail to display correctly
Fixed crash when canceling during certain phases of FTP upload
FTP upload fails if 'ftp://' is in the server address
Fixed: Long hang when attempting to upload a site with non-standard SFTP ports
Improved performance of selecting long text frames
SVG applied as a rectangle background image with fill colors in active state disappears when on a master page
Fixed crash resizing certain images to very small sizes
Display error message instead of crashing when certain Adobe ID login errors are encountered
Fixed memory leaks when placing large PSD files
SVG applied as a background image fails to display in Internet Explorer 8
Objects on master pages that have SVG backgrounds incorrectly render as raster in the browser when navigating between pages

Languages: German, English, Italian, Spanish, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Turkish, Finnish, Danish, Hungarian, Swedish, Russian, Ukrainian, Hebrew, Dutch, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean

【無需編碼的網站製作工具】Adobe Muse CC 2014.2.1.10 繁體中文版 | Homepage:

【無需編碼的網站製作工具】Adobe Muse CC 2014.2.1.10 繁體中文版 | Size: 115.7 MB

