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3D建模.動畫.雕刻.效果和編譯 modo 0.2v2 for Mac

您使用 Mac 電腦 需要3D建模.動畫.雕刻.效果和編譯軟體嗎?
來!推薦您一個好軟體:modo 0.2v2 for Mac
Name: modo for Mac
Version: 10.2v2
OS version:OS X 10.9 or later
Processor type(s) & speed: 64-bit processor
3D建模.動畫.雕刻.效果和編譯 modo 0.2v2 Web Site:

一個端到端的解決專案,提供原始馬力,精緻的技術和健全的工作流程,MODO是世界各地的藝術家和設計師的選取的創造性選取 – 從家庭愛好者到好萊塢工作室。


MODO brings you the next generation of 3D modeling, animation, sculpting, effects and rendering in a powerful integrated package. An end-to-end solution delivering raw horsepower, refined technology and robust workflows, MODO is the creative option of choice for artists and designers around the world – from home-based hobbyists to Hollywood studios.
 ● MODO makes creative exploration possible with fast and intuitive polygon modeling and sculpting tools that allow you more time to explore and visualize new ideas
 ● Offers out-of-the-box value with highly-integrated modeling, painting, sculpting, effects, animation and unlimited network rendering capabilities
 ● Ensures consistency with a philosophy of tool re-use, easy-to-learn workflows and a fully customizable UI that is unmatched in any other 3D software
 ● Integrates seamlessly into existing pipelines with built-in Python scripting and versatile SDK
 ● Get instant results for interactive design reviews with the use of the photorealistic preview render

