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【照片處理】Focus Magic 4.03 從模糊圖像中大量還原丟失的細節

但是,更好的選取是使用Focus Magic修改那些未聚焦,模糊的照片,從而告別圖像模糊問題並還原內定丟失的細節。

Focus Magic是來自新西蘭的出色的數位照片去模糊軟體。
與圖像銳化軟體解決專案不同,Focus Magic可提高「實際清晰度」,而不是「感知清晰度」(類似於USM圖像銳化技術),後者只能修復那些有些模糊的照片。

除了用作獨立應用程式之外,Focus Magic還可以與許多流行且經典的圖像處理工具(以外掛程式形式)一起很好地工作。
這內含Adobe Photoshop,PaintShop Pro,Adobe ImageReady,Microsoft PhotoDraw,Corel PhotoImpact,Corel Photo-Paint等常用的圖像編輯工具。

目前,Focus Magic已被數字攝影師,廣告和出版行業廣泛使用。
總而言之,在需要處理一些模糊照片或圖片的任何情況下,Focus Magic都會非常有用。

Focus Magic 4.03 主要應用:
焦外模糊的取證強度Focus Magic是唯一可以還原顯示的車牌的軟體。它使用最複雜的反捲積技術從字面上「消除」模糊。
運動模糊的法醫強度在這裡,Focus Magic可用於還原行駛引起運動模糊的汽車牌照。
同樣,只能使用Focus Magic還原此車牌。
修復舊照片使用Focus Magic增強具有高情感價值的舊歷史照片。
從上面比較中的示例中,您可以看到Focus Magic具有最準確的算法來反轉照片中的模糊。
使用Focus Magic,您可以切換景深,以便將焦點對準正確的對象。
Focus Magic使用先進的取證強度反褶積技術來「消除」模糊並還原丟失的細節。
感謝您為我提供的這個神奇的工具而激動不已。」艾琳·澤法斯(Elyn Zerfas)
如上例所示,許多法醫使用的Focus Magic是唯一可以還原細節的照片銳化軟體。
與其他銳化軟體不同,Focus Magic會提高「實際銳度」(使用反捲積),而不是「感知銳度」(使用不清晰的遮罩或等效的銳度)。
Focus Magic 4.03 下載:
The photos taken by digital camera are often blurry (this is the congenital deficiency of a bitmap image). As a consequence, utilizing graphics software to manually process (sharpen) these photos is a commonly-used means in the progress of image post-processing, also the only way. However, a better choice is to use Focus Magic to revise those unfocused, blurred photos, so as to say goodbye to the image fuzzy problem and restore the missing details inside.

Focus Magic is an excellent digital photos deblurring software from New Zealand. It is able to repair the out-of-focus blur and motion blur (due to the shake of camera or improper operation in the process of filming), and to fix and sharpen the blurred photos. Different from image sharpening software solutions, Focus Magic increases the “actual definition”, rather than the “perceptual clarity” (similar to the USM image sharpening technique) – which can just repair those photos that are only a little fuzzy.
In addition to serving as an independent application, Focus Magic also can work well together with many popular and classic image processing tools in the form of a plug-in. This includes Adobe Photoshop, PaintShop Pro, Adobe ImageReady, Microsoft PhotoDraw, Corel PhotoImpact, Corel Photo-Paint and so on commonly-used image editing tools.
Focus Magic has been widely used by digital photographers, advertising and publishing industries now. Many documenting organizations (e.g., the U.S. National Archives), forensic experts and photo repairing masters are in use of it, and I believe that any people who love taking photos will need it too. All in all, in any situations that you need to deal with some fuzzy photos or pictures, Focus Magic can be pretty helpful.
// Main Applications //
Feature Detail
Forensic-Strength for Out-of-Focus Blur Focus Magic is the only software available that can recover the license plate shown. It uses the most sophisticated deconvolution technology to literally “undo” blur.
Forensic-Strength for Motion Blur Here Focus Magic is used to recover the license plate of a car speeding along causing motion blur. Again, this license plate can only be recovered with Focus Magic.
Repair Old Photos Use Focus Magic to enhance old historic photos which have high sentimental value. From the examples in the comparison above, you can see that Focus Magic has the most accurate algorithm for reversing the blur in a photo.
Repair Special Photos For this photo, the camera focused on the background instead of the foreground. With Focus Magic you can switch the depth-of-field around so that the focus is on the correct subject.
Focus Magic uses advanced forensic strength deconvolution technology to literally “undo” blur and recover lost detail. It can repair both out-of-focus blur and motion blur (camera shake) in an image. Can you read the license plate number in the “Before” image (below) ? Can you even vaguely make out one letter ? Imagine how you could use this technology on your photos.
This image is out of focus. Click to view original image.
This old photo has motion blur (or camera shake). Click to view the original.
“Your software is simply amazing! I use Photoshop daily in my photography and photo restoration business. I was intrigued by your demo and then I was convinced after just one use! An important photo that I thought was lost is now ready for publication. No tools or filters in Photoshop could bring it back, but your software did. Thank you for this amazing tool that I am thrilled to have in my bag of tricks.” Elyn Zerfas
Focus Magic, which is used by many forensic scientists, is the only photo sharpening software that can recover detail, as shown in the examples above. You can use this powerful tool to sharpen your blurred photos right now. Unlike other sharpening software, Focus Magic increases the “actual sharpness” (with deconvolution) rather than the “perceived sharpness” (with unsharp mask or equivalent).

