瀏覽輔助-搜尋並顯示Cookies檔案 IECookiesView 1.74 繁體中文化版
【文章標題】: 瀏覽輔助-搜尋並顯示Cookies檔案 IECookiesView 1.74 繁體中文化版
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化密訓基地-總教頭
【作者信箱】: steven8ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://visdacom.com/f2blog/
【內容分類】: 瀏覽輔助-搜尋並顯示Cookies檔案
【附件大小】: 224KB
【密訓基地主機】: http://visdacom.com/f2blog/
【作業系統】: Win9X/WinME/WinNT/Win2000Pro/WinXP
【解壓密碼】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: 原創:-【軟體中文化教學密訓基地】-可轉載!請注明作者並保持文章完整。不可刪除或修改部分內容!
瀏覽輔助-搜尋並顯示Cookies檔案 IECookiesView 1.74 繁體中文化版
IECookiesView 1.74是一個可以幫你搜尋並顯示出你電腦中所有的Cookies檔案的資料。
IECookiesView is a small utility that displays the details of all cookies that Internet Explorer stores on
your computer.
In addition, It allows you to do the following actions:
Sort the cookies list by any column you want, by clicking the column header. A second click sorts the
column in descending order.
Find a cookie in the list by specifying the name of the Web site.
Select and delete the unwanted cookies.
Save the cookies to a readable text file.
Copy cookie information into the clipboard.
Automatically refresh the cookies list when a Web site sends you a cookie.
Display the cookies of other users and from other computers.
Open the IECookiesView utility directly from Internet Explorer toolbar.
Change the content of a cookie !
Export your cookies to Netscape/Mozilla cookies file.
Block specific Web sites from using cookies through the cookies blocking mechanism of Internet Explorer
瀏覽輔助-搜尋並顯示Cookies檔案 IECookiesView 1.74 繁體中文化版下載網址: