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(掃瞄後的圖像處理軟體)BookDrive Editor Pro 6.1.4




匯出到你的心的慾望。新的和改進的匯出工具,可以讓你輕鬆輸出檔案為一頁,多頁TIFF ,PDF或即使符合ISO 19005-1標準的PDF / A檔案,非常適合長期歸檔和儲存格式。

你要怎麼做黃色色調中常見的舊書嗎? BookDrive編輯器專業版可以取代,明亮和清晰的背景斑點和污漬,有效地保留舊的,褪色的列印和無價的歷史著作,如春聯和百年歷史的書籍。

有些項目需要輸出黑白圖像( B&W ) 。 BookDrive已經得到了一些非常先進的B &W的轉換稱為自適應局部臨界值技術,智慧地將每個像素為黑色或白色像素相對周邊地區的訊息。



【文章標題】: (掃瞄後的圖像處理軟體)BookDrive Editor Pro 6.1.4
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
BookDrive Editor Pro 6.1.4

BookDrive Editor is the post-scan image processing software. It is all you need to convert scanned images into final output of the highest quality for distribution or archiving. Simply put, it turns great images into even better ones.

You only need to make settings for the first pair of images. The program will apply those settings to the remaining pairs automatically for unattended, hassle-free fast batch operation. Load as many books and as many chapters each of which having its own profile as you want, hit Run, and then leave. Come back and you will see the job completed.

Export to your heart's desire. The new and improved export tool lets you easily output files either as single-page, or multi-page TIFF, PDF or even ISO 19005-1 compliant PDF/A document, a format well-suited to long-term archiving and preservation.

What do you do with unwanted yellow tint commonly found in old books? BookDrive Editor Pro can replace that with bright and clear background free from speckles and stains, effectively preserving old, faded prints and priceless historical works such as scrolls and century-old books. Color and highlights in the page can be preserved while giving new life to grey and drab pages.

Some projects require output as Black and White (B&W) images. BookDrive Editor Pro has got some really advanced B&W conversion called Adaptive Local Thresholding technique that intelligently converts each pixel to black or white according to the information of that pixel relative to the surrounding area. This ensures you will get superior B&W output compared to the standard ones.

No activation is need to begin using the software. You can easily move between computers without going through complicated software activation process. Install the software on as many computers as you need, the included USB dongle will unlock the software automatically for you.

(掃瞄後的圖像處理軟體)BookDrive Editor Pro 6.1.4/Homepage:

(掃瞄後的圖像處理軟體)BookDrive Editor Pro 6.1.4/Size: 17.50 MB

