(驅動程式更新)SysTweak Advanced Driver Updater 2.1.1086.16076
Advanced Driver Updater先進的驅動程式更新,它有一個廣泛的資料庫,其中內含在市場上最新和最更新的驅動程式。它會掃瞄您的系統並顯示過時的驅動程式的清單,所有您需要做的更新,以最近期的是點擊一個按鈕,舊的驅動程序的備份會自動採取並安裝最新的驅動程式,它就是這麼簡單。如果你不喜歡最新的驅動程式或它造成任何問題,您可以輕鬆地恢復備份。
有32位和64位版本的Windows XP,Vista,7和Windows8的完全相容
【文章標題】:(驅動程式更新)SysTweak Advanced Driver Updater 2.1.1086.16076
【文章作者】: 電子書製作教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/ebook
【電子書製作教學課程】: http://por.tw/ebook/new-ebook/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/ebook
【版權聲明】: (原創)電子書製作教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
SysTweak Advanced Driver Updater 2.1.1086.16076
Advanced Driver Updater has an extensive database which consists of the latest and most updated drivers in the market. It scans your system and displays a list of outdated drivers. All you need to do to update to the most recent ones is click a button. A backup of the old drivers is taken automatically and the newest drivers are installed. It is just that simple. If you do not like the latest driver or it is causing any problems, you can easily restore the backup.
Key Features & Benefits
Ensures peak performance of installed hardware
Checks for updated drivers using an extensive database
Installs genuine device drivers from original manufacturers
Minimizes erratic behavior and enhances PC performance
Downloads and installs most recent drivers with a few simple clicks
Automatically scans system for latest drivers as per the schedule you set
Full backup and restore functionality available in case of incompatibility issues
Fully compatible with 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows XP, Vista,7 and Windows 8
(驅動程式更新)SysTweak Advanced Driver Updater 2.1.1086.16076 | Homepage: www.systweak.com/ADU/
(驅動程式更新)SysTweak Advanced Driver Updater 2.1.1086.16076 | Size: 4 MB