(文字編輯器)WinEdt 8.0 Build 20130513
WinEdt是一個強大和靈活的文字編輯器,適用於Windows朝著建立具有較強的易感性[香格里拉] TeX檔案…
你會發現排版[香格里拉] TEX,以及連結到其他推薦的附件對TeX的社區網站(TUG)的介紹和手冊。
【文章標題】: (文字編輯器)WinEdt 8.0 Build 20130513
【文章作者】: EDM設計_電子報E-Mail廣告行銷教學密訓基地
【作者信箱】: ster168ster@gmail.com
【作者首頁】: http://por.tw/edm/
【EDM設計_電子報E-Mail廣告行銷教學課程】: http://por.tw/edm/edm_Marketing/index.php
【基地主機】: http://goto1688.com/edm/
【版權聲明】: (原創)EDM設計_電子報E-Mail廣告行銷教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
WinEdt 8.0 Build 20130513
WinEdt is a powerful and versatile text editor for Windows with a strong predisposition towards the creation of [La]TeX documents…
WinEdt is used as a front-end for compilers and typesetting systems, such as TeX or HTML. WinEdt's highlighting schemes can be customized for different modes and its spell checking functionality supports multi-lingual setups, with dictionaries (word-lists) for many languages available for downloading from
WinEdt's Community Site www.winedt.org. Contributions are welcome!
Although WinEdt is reasonably suitable as an all-purpose text editor it has been specifically designed and configured to integrate seamlessly with a TeX System (such as MiKTeX or TeX Live). WinEdt documentation does not cover TeX related topics in depth. You'll find introductions and manuals on typesetting with [La]TeX, as well as links to other recommended accessories, on TeX's Community Site (TUG).
(文字編輯器)WinEdt 8.0 Build 20130513 | Homepage: www.winedt.com
(文字編輯器)WinEdt 8.0 Build 20130513 | Size: 18.6 MB