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(IP隱藏軟體)Hide ALL IP 2015.03.25.150325


Hide ALL IP 是世界上最好的IP隱藏軟體,可以隱藏所有的應用程式和遊戲的IP來自窺探者和黑客,可以讓你匿名衝浪,防止身份盜竊,防範黑客入侵,一切只需要一個點擊。下載 Hide ALL IP 吧!

您的IP位址可以給你直接連結您的網際網路活動,也可以通過這個IP位址很容易洩露你的,隱藏了變化,通過我們的加密的網際網路伺服器ALL IP保護您的線上身份的IP位址,我們的私人伺服器的IP和路線所有的際網路流量讓所有的遠端伺服器上只得到一個假的IP位址,你很安全。不像你的ISP,可以隱藏所有的IP不追蹤和你去哪裡不記錄任何!

最好的IP隱藏軟體featuresChange你的IP位址 – 只需點擊「連線」和你的IP是立即隱藏!網際網路會看到你的假IP,這是不符合你的真實IP關聯。它是如何工作。

改變你的位置 – 我們的伺服器設在世界上,你可以很容易地連線到不同的國家的伺服器。每次按下「連線」按鈕,您將假的這個國家的IP。如果你想改變的國家,只需再次按下「連線」按鈕。

加密所有傳輸資料 – 加密所有入站和出站連線(內含UDP資料)使用行業標準的RSA 1024和RC4 128位,這是非常安全的。即使你的ISP或其他第三方監控您的通信,他們將不知道要連線什麼,和你的資料傳輸。

遠端DNS尋找 – 使用我們安全的遠端DNS尋找技術,就可以避免任何DNS假冒的痕跡,所有的DNS解析,現在是安全的!

接入網際網路電視(Hulu,BBC iPlayer等) – 網際網路電視提供商,如BBC和Hulu拒絕使用者通過他們的位置檢驗。Hide ALL IP提供所有你所需要的,只是連線到IP中的電視提供商的國家,那麼你的瀏覽器指向正確的網頁的工具。如何看待外界的Hulu美國視訊教學如何看待英國以外的視訊教學BBC iPlayer

幾乎支援所有的應用程式和遊戲 – 不僅支援瀏覽器,它還支援即時通信,視訊播放器,遊戲和更多!

唯一支援UDP應用 – 並不像其他隱藏IP的軟體只支援TCP,Hide ALL IP還支援基於UDP的應用程式和遊戲,現在玩DNF,英雄聯盟,戰場3,星際爭霸II,通過坦克世界隱藏所有IP!還有UDP視訊播放器應用程式的支援!

唯一支援HTTP隧道 – 依靠我國汽車HTTP隧道技術(不需要任何設定),可以繞過任何防火牆和代理。即使您在使用HTTP代理伺服器只容許純HTTP GET或POST HTML(如校內網),Hide ALL IP仍然可以工作,玩遊戲和視訊,也可以在有限的網路。什麼是HTTP隧道?

唯一有便攜式版本 – 我們也提供一個便攜版本可以隱藏所有的IP,無需安裝,可以從抽取式介質,如USB棒,軟碟等運行……而無需管理員權限。可以用它在某個限度的網路環境。

安全瀏覽技術 – 通過我們的安全瀏覽技術,現在你不用每次當你離開的時間需要清除Cookies或歷史,因為所有這些都將直接支援,沒有任何cookie或歷史遺留的磁碟,所有在記憶體中,當您離開瀏覽器,他們會自動消失。

減少你的遊戲屏 – 專門為瀏覽器和遊戲進行了改善,如果你的遊戲滯後,並使用Hide ALL IP將顯著改善。如何降低TCP遊戲滯後如何降低P2P UDP遊戲(英雄聯盟)滯後問題。


【文章標題】:(IP隱藏軟體)Hide ALL IP 2015.03.25.150325
【文章作者】: Linux架設主機.協助維護專案密訓基地
Hide ALL IP 2015.03.25.150325

Hide ALL IP is the worlds best IP hide software, hide all your applications and games IP from snoopers & hackers, allows you to surf anonymously, prevent identity theft, and guard against hacker intrusions, all just need a click. Download Hide ALL IP now!

Your IP address can link your internet activities directly to you, it can easy leak you by this IP address, Hide ALL IP protects your online identity by change your IP address to our private server's IP and routes all your internet traffic through our encrypted internet servers so that all remote servers only get a fake IP address, you are very safely. Unlike your ISP, Hide ALL IP does not track and does not record any where you go !

Key Benefits & Features
best hide ip software featuresChange Your IP Address – Just click "Connect" and your IP is instantly hidden! Internet will see your fake IP, which is not associated with your real IP. How It Works.

Change Your Location – Our servers located in the world, you can easily connect to the different country servers. Each time you press the 'Connect' button, you will fake as this country's IP. If you want to change country, just press the "Connect" button again.

Encrypt ALL Transfer Data – Encrypts all inbound and outbound connections (include UDP data) using the industry standard RSA 1024 and RC4 128 bit, It's very safely. Even if your ISP or some other third party is monitoring your communications they will have no idea what you are connecting to and what your transfer data.

Remote DNS Lookups – Use our secure remote DNS lookup technology, you can avoid any DNS fake and trace, all DNS resolve now is safely!

Access Internet TV (Hulu,BBC iplayer, etc) – Internet TV providers such as the BBC and Hulu deny users by their location detection. Hide ALL IP provides all the tools what you need, just connect to an IP in the country of The TV providers, then point your browser to the correct website. How to view Hulu outside US video tutorial How to view BBC iplayer outside UK video tutorial

Support Almost ALL Applications And Games – Not only support browsers, Hide ALL IP also support instant messengers, video players, games and more!

Unique Support UDP Applications – Not like other Hide IP software only support TCP, Hide ALL IP also support UDP based applications and games, now play DNF, League of Legends, Battle Field 3, StarCraft II, Tank Of Worlds via Hide ALL IP is possible! Also UDP video player applications support!

Unique Support HTTP Tunnel – Depend on our auto http tunnel technology (Don't need any setup), you can bypass any firewall and proxy. Even if you in a limited network that use HTTP proxy only allows pure HTTP get or post html (Such as school network), Hide ALL IP still works, play games and videos is also possible. What's http tunnel?.

Unique Have Portable Version – We also provide a portable version Hide ALL IP, not need install, can be run from removable media such as USB stick, floppy, etc… and not need admin rights. Can use it at some limit network environment.

Safely Browse Technology – With our safely browse technology, now you don't need clear cookies or history every time when you quit, because all these will direct support, no any cookies or history left at your disks, all in memory, when you quit browsers, they will auto disappear.

Reduce Your Game Ping – Specifically optimized for the browser and game, if your game lag, and use Hide ALL IP will be significantly improved. How to reduce TCP game lag How to reduce P2P UDP game (League of Legends) lag

(IP隱藏軟體)Hide ALL IP 2015.03.25.150325 | Homepage:

(IP隱藏軟體)Hide ALL IP 2015.03.25.150325 | Size: 4.5 MB

