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(磁碟清理工具)WinASO Disk Cleaner 2.7.2


WinASO磁碟清理會尋找並刪除垃圾檔案,並清除一些空間在硬碟上,騰出寶貴的空間,並簡化您的系統。每一天,你的Windows會建立大量的暫存檔和垃圾檔案,並把它們留在您的電腦上。隨著時間的推移這些檔案會佔用更多的磁碟空間,而且越來越減慢你的電腦。在Windows內建的磁碟清理工具可以刪除一些無用的廢料,但達不到清潔的主要暫存檔。 WinASO磁碟清理可以快速檢驗並擦去他們一切的垃圾檔案在您的電腦上。它會立即釋放出巨大的寶貴的磁碟空間,並提升系統速度,而絕不影響系統的標準運行過程。專業的磁碟機清潔只需要2次滑鼠點擊 – 「掃瞄」和「刪除」安全地刪除垃圾檔案,釋放磁碟空間。


專業的磁碟機清潔只需要2次滑鼠點擊 – 「掃瞄」和「刪除」安全地刪除垃圾檔案,釋放磁碟空間。
– 高速掃瞄器掃瞄無處不在幾秒鐘內垃圾檔案。
– 自動篩選出系統的敏感檔案。
– 詳細的掃瞄報告中列出了所有與它的整個路徑和大小的訊息中發現的垃圾檔案。您可以直接點擊「刪除」以刪除所有或取消,以保持一個檔案/檔案。
– 容許進行排序,只需點選列標題基於檔名,路徑或大小的掃瞄結果。
– 操作就可以選取任何磁碟機或只是單一的點擊掃瞄所有。
– 在掃瞄過程中在任何時候可以暫停和恢復。

– 除了預設設定,提供了額外的「搜尋」和「刪除」選項,如「內含系統檔案」,「尋找0位元組的檔案」和「永久刪除垃圾檔案」。
– 容許管理「包括」過濾器,使使用者可以決定哪些檔案類型應該被包括在磁碟掃瞄。
– 容許管理「排除」過濾器,使使用者可以決定哪些檔案類型應被排除在磁碟掃瞄。
– 容許管理「排除路徑」,使使用者可以決定哪些檔案路徑應該被排除在磁碟掃瞄。
– 提供「預設」按鈕,讓使用者恢復預設程式設定。


【文章標題】:(磁碟清理工具)WinASO Disk Cleaner 2.7.2
【文章作者】: PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+Dreamweaver整合教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: (原創)PHP程式設計+MySQL資料庫+Dreamweaver整合教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
WinASO Disk Cleaner 2.7.2

WinASO Disk Cleaner will find and delete junk files and clear up some space on your hard drive, freeing up valuable space and streamlining your system. Every day your Windows will create a large number of temporary files and junk files, and leave them behind on your computer. Over time these files take up more and more of your disk space and slow down your PC. The Windows built-in disk cleanup tool can remove some useless flotsam, but fail to clean the major temporary files. WinASO Disk Cleaner can quickly detect and wipe away all the junk files on your computer. It immediately frees up huge valuable disk space and boosts your system speed while never affecting system’s normal running process. The professional drive cleaner only requires 2 mouse clicks – “Scan” & “Delete” to safely remove junk files and free up your disk space.


• Drive Cleaner
The professional drive cleaner only requires 2 mouse clicks – “Scan” & “Delete” to safely remove junk files and free up your disk space.
— High-speed scanner scans for junk files everywhere within a few seconds.
— Automatically screens out system-sensitive files.
— Detailed scanning report lists all the junk files found with its entire path and size information. You can simply click “Delete” to remove all or uncheck to keep a file/files.
— Allow to sort the scan result based on file name, path or size by simply clicking the column title.
— Option to select any drive or just single click to scan all.
— The scanning process can be paused and resumed at any time.

• Customize Settings for Drive Cleaner
For advanced computer users, we provide many custom options to let users manipulate the drive cleaner by themselves. The default program scanning settings are automatically checked and can be modified as well.
— Besides the default settings, provide additional “Search” and “Delete” options such as “include system files”, “search for 0 bytes files” and “delete junk files permanently”.
— Allow to manage the “Include” filter so that user can decide which file types should be included in the disk scan.
— Allow to manage the “Exclude” filter so that user can decide which file types should be excluded in the disk scan.
— Allow to manage the “Exclude Path” so that user can decide which file path should be excluded in the disk scan.
— Provide “Default” button to let user restore the default program settings.

(磁碟清理工具)WinASO Disk Cleaner 2.7.2 | Homepage:

(磁碟清理工具)WinASO Disk Cleaner 2.7.2 | Size: 1.51 MB
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