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優秀【螢幕擷取程式】 Techsmith SnagIt 11.4.1 Build 195

SnagIt 是一款優秀是螢幕擷取程式,可以方便快速地截取 Windows 桌面上的任何內容,
它可以捲動 Web 頁面供你一次截取,可以將網路攝影機 (WebCam) 畫面擷取成影片,可以捕捉桌面影像,還可以抓取純文字內容!

Snagit 可以捕捉 Windows 螢幕、DOS 螢幕;RM 電影、遊戲畫面;選單、視窗、客戶區視窗、最後一個啟動的視窗或用滑鼠定義的區域。
圖像可被儲存為 BMP、PCX、TIF、GIF 或 JPEG 格式,也可以存為系列動畫。使用 JPEG 可以指定所需的壓縮級(從 1%到 99%)。

優秀【螢幕擷取程式】 Techsmith SnagIt 11.4.1 Build 195

優秀【螢幕擷取程式】 Techsmith SnagIt 11.4.1 Build 195

此外,儲存螢幕捕捉的圖像前,可以用其自帶的編輯器編輯;也可以選擇自動將其送至 SnagIt 印表機或 Windows 剪貼簿中,也可以直接用 E-mail 傳送。
SnagIt 具有將顯示在 Windows 桌面上的文字塊轉換為機器可讀文字的獨特能力,這裡甚至無需 CUT 和 PASTE。程式支援 DDE,所以其他程式可以控制和自動捕捉螢幕。
支援輸出到外部程式或 IM (即時通信)軟體、匯入/匯出內容。

最佳擷取整個畫面的工具你在找一套可以將網路攝影機(WebCam)畫面擷取成影片的軟體嗎?SnagIt 就是你要的了!SnagIt 是螢幕擷取技術的領導者,可以方便快速地截取 Windows 桌面上的任何內容,它可以捲動 Web 頁面供你一次截取,可以截取桌面影像,還可以抓取純文字內容!

它也內含了調整影像亮度、對比、色相、清析度、大小、色彩強弱和飽和度的工具。SnagIt可以把桌面上無法複製框選的文字抓出來,其他功能內含了DDE(直接資料輸入)介面和縮圖瀏覽器。其他功能內含一個影像播放時的自動錄製選項、透明GIF支援、加強的功能表截取,以及Windows 98用的雙向監控。 在5.0.1版中的新功能內含多種的截取設定,你可以創造並儲存多個常用的設定。先進的功能提供了像是自動檔案命名、定時抓圖,以及影像效果的處理。

SnagIt 可以方便快速地截取 Windows 桌面上的任何內容,它可以捲動 Web 頁面供你一次截取,可以截取視訊圖片,還可以抓取純文字內容,SnagIt是完整的抓圖解決方案,適用於專家或是初學者。

SnagIt 不僅可以擷取整個畫面,還可以做動態影像擷取,文字擷取等,其功能之強大,讓人無法想像。TechSmith 為繼續提高其世界最佳螢幕擷取工具, 即日起發表SnagIt 該版本為SnagIt 新加入了一串列Microsoft product add-ins, 並為 Microsoft Office 系列提供工具列。SnagIt 也給你一些藝術的Edge Effects讓你應用到的你的screenshots, 並支援更新型的檔案格式來儲存你所有screen captures.

SnagIt 特色介紹

我們都知道只要是使用電腦都會有擷取螢幕畫面的時候,大部分第一想到的便是鍵盤上的Print Screen Key 。
但是隨者電腦的淘汰換新、作業系統的升級,以前的 Print Screen 功能鍵已經不覆使用。SnagIt 不但提供 Print Screen 功能鍵功能,還加強了擷取螢幕圖片時的方便性,讓你在擷取螢幕圖片時更合乎人性化。
SnagIt 不僅可以擷取整個畫面,還可以做動態影像擷取、文字擷取等,其功能之強大,讓人無法想像。
TechSmith 為繼續提高其世界最佳螢幕擷取工具,陸續新加入了一串列Microsoft product add-ins, 並為Microsoft Excel提供了一個工具列。SnagIt也給你一些藝術的 Edge Effects讓你應用到的你的 screenshots,並支援更新型的檔案格式來儲存你所有screen captures。

SnagIt, the award-winning screen-capture software. Using SnagIt, you can select and capture anything on your screen, then easily add text, arrows, or effects, and save the capture to a file or share it immediately by e-mail or IM. Capture and share an article, image, or Web page directly from your screen. Or, capture and share any part of any application that runs on your PC. Automatically save in one of 23 file formats, or send to the printer, to your e-mail, or to the clipboard.
Use SnagIt's built-in editors to modify, annotate, and enhance your images and the Catalog Browser to organize your files. Increase your productivity while quickly creating professional presentations and flawless documentation. With powerful new features that allow you to edit previously placed objects, capture embedded links and add interactivity to your captures,SnagIt 8 makes it easier than ever before to capture, edit, and share anything on your screen.

Features of SnagIt:
Capture – if you can see it, you can snag it!
Don't waste time cropping your captures. Snag exactly what you need, with just a click.
• Profiles make it easy. SnagIt comes with eleven preset buttons that make screen capture a cinch! Capture a region of your screen, text from a window, the contents of a tall page that scrolls, all the images on a Web page, you get the idea.
• Custom suits you. Don't feel limited by the eleven profiles—create your own combinations for nearly unlimited capture possibilites. What's that? You want to set up a keystroke that captures a menu along with the mouse pointer…adds a drop shadow…and sends the image directly to your blog? Sure, no problem!

Edit – the right tools, right now!
You don't need a million confusing options, you need the right tools at the right time. Unlike expensive, complex image editing suites,SnagIt makes everyday screen capture tasks one-click easy.

• Say more with pictures+words. Use an arrow to direct attention. Add a text callout to explain clearly. Apply ready-made objects from the menus…and your picture is worth 1,000 more words!
• Look like a pro. Make your screenshot pop with a drop shadow. Give it perspective, spotlight an area, or add other nifty effects.
• Convey complex ideas simply. Combine multiple images, callouts, shapes, and clip art stamps into a rich and detailed information graphic.
• Have fun! Add a speech balloon to that photo of your cat.

Share – send captures where they need to go…instantly!
Yes, you can save your captures in all the common—and a few uncommon—image formats. But with SnagIt's free output accessories you can do so much more!

• Collaborate in a flash. Click a button to send a screen capture by email, AIM, or Skype.
• Be social. Share screenshots on Flickr. Post images directly to your blog. Publish to your Web site via FTP. No technical degree required!
• Get projects done quicker. Embed images directly into your Microsoft Office projects, MindManager map, or OneNote page.

Organize – SnagIt keeps track, so you don’t have to
• Save nothing…save everything. SnagIt stores every capture automatically and keeps the most recent visible. A huge timesaver!
• Find your stuff. Whether or not you saved it, find that capture later with the new visual search pane. Remember just one detail—like the approximate date or the Web site you captured—and find your capture instantly.
• Get organized (if you want to). As you capture images for next month's big project, tag them with "big project" or set the "Important" flag. No need to save anything in folders…just come back next month and view all your big project files with a click!

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