(搜索引擎一鍵優化)【WordPress外掛程式】User’s Guide for All in One SEO Pack
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(搜索引擎一鍵優化)【WordPress外掛程式】User’s Guide for All in One SEO Pack
註:在WPBeginner ,我們使用WordPress的搜尋引擎改善Yoast但兩者都在同一個搜尋引擎改善包和WordPress的搜尋引擎都是偉大的外掛程式來改善您的網站的搜尋引擎。
要設定所有在一個搜尋引擎改善包,去所有在一個搜尋引擎改善»一般設定。在一般設定部分,第一個選項是讓為您的網站規範的URL 。
在首頁設定部分,你可以為你的網頁指定標題。這個標題可以從你的WordPress網站的標題不同。使其上口和使用您的標題最重要的關鍵字。如果保留該欄位為空,那麼所有在一個搜尋引擎改善將使用預設的WordPress的網站標題。無論您使用一個不同的標題或相同的標題,你的部落格,請確保它是吸引人的,並且包括您的網站的主要關鍵字。例如,我們的網頁標題是WPBeginner – 新手指南為WordPress 。
在首頁的描述欄位中,提供你的網站的簡短描述。保持在156個字元,並嘗試使用你的網站最重要的關鍵詞在描述中。不要試圖東東關鍵字的描述,並確保你的描述是易於閱讀和理解。在關鍵字欄位,輸入您的網站最重要的關鍵詞,這些都是你覺得人們會尋找並找到你的網站的關鍵字。同樣沒有進入太多的關鍵字, 5至10個關鍵字是相當足夠。如果你離開描述和關鍵字欄位為空,那麼所有在一個搜尋引擎改善將不會使用它們自己的首頁上。如果你想獲得最大的利益,那麼你必須填寫這些英吋
在所有在一個搜尋引擎改善頁的一般設定頁面中的關鍵字設定部分,容許你指定你想怎樣外掛程式來處理meta關鍵字為你的文章和頁面。對於個別文章和頁面,我們將在後面的文章中討論您可以隨時手動加入關鍵字。除了這些關鍵字,你可以讓這個外掛程式可以自動使用標籤和/或類別的空白太(檢視我們的指南分類與標籤 – 搜尋引擎改善的最佳實踐整理您的內容) 。只有當你使用一個靜態的網頁在您的網站和一個單獨的頁面來顯示你的部落格文章在本節的最後一個選項是適用的。在這種情況下,所有在一個搜尋引擎改善可以動態生成基於崗位出現職位頁面上當時的關鍵字清單。我們建議你取消勾選動態生成關鍵字後設定,並手動加入關鍵字到每個頁面,以獲得最大的利益。
您還可以修改你的單,歸檔和其他頁面的頁面標題的顯示模式,通過改變用於不同的網頁標題中預定義的標籤。我們會建議他們離開,因為它是最佳的結果。你應該,如果你正在建立大量的登陸頁面變更的唯一的事情就是你的頁面標題格式。擺脫| % blog_title %的部分來自網頁標題的格式,所以你的網站標題不佔用你的60個字元的限制,和你的整個網頁標題顯示在搜尋。
在這裡,您將加入提供的谷歌,必應或Pinterest的驗證您的網站所有權網站管理員的驗證碼。我們強烈建議,以提高您的網站的SEO ,你應該註冊為谷歌網站管理員工具和Bing網站管理員工具。加入您的網站將說明這些搜尋引擎時知會您有什麼不對與您的網站。這些網站管理員工具也將為您提供有關您網站的有益的見解,它的搜尋引擎排名。然後,您可以使用這些訊息來規劃你的內容策略,提高網站的搜尋引擎改善。
User’s Guide for All in One SEO Pack
If you look at the list of most popular WordPress plugins, then you will find All In One SEO Pack listed there. All in One SEO is one of the most popular WordPress plugins with more than 15 million downloads. Often users think that simply installing the plugin will help their blog’s SEO, but it doesn’t. You have to take some additional steps to get the maximum benefits from this plugin. In this article, we will show you the recommended settings for All In One SEO Pack, and how you can use this plugin efficiently to maximize the SEO benefits for your blog.
Note: At WPBeginner, we use WordPress SEO by Yoast however both All in One SEO pack and WordPress SEO are great plugins to optimize your website for search engines.
First thing you need to do is install and activate All in One SEO Pack. Upon activation, the plugin will add an All in ONE SEO menu item in your WordPress admin sidebar.
All in One SEO Pack installed and activated
How to Set up All in SEO Pack
To set up All in One SEO Pack, go to All in One SEO » General Settings. In general settings section, the first option is to enable canonical URLs for your website. Canonical URLs are the permanent links of your individual articles. In a typical WordPress installation, a single post is displayed on several locations such as your homepage, archives page, author page, category and tag pages. We recommend using article summary or excerpts instead of full posts in WordPress archive pages. Publishing full articles on all pages creates duplicate content. By specifying a canonical URL for each post, you can avoid duplicate content penalty from Google.
General settings in All in One SEO Pack
Homepage Settings
Under homepage settings section, you can specify a title for your homepage. This title can be different from your WordPress website’s title. Make it catchy and use your most important keyword in the title. If you leave this field blank, then All in One SEO will use the default WordPress website title. Whether you use a different title or the same title as your blog, make sure that it is catchy and contains your website’s main keywords. For example, our homepage title is WPBeginner – Beginner’s Guide for WordPress.
Homepage settings in All in One SEO Pack for WordPress
In the homepage description field, provide a brief description of your website. Keep it under 156 characters and try to use your website’s most important keywords in the description. Do not try to stuff keywords in the description and make sure that your description is readable and easy to understand. In the keywords field, enter your websites most important keywords, these are the keywords that you feel that people will look for and find your website. Again don’t enter too many keywords, 5 to 10 keywords are quite sufficient. If you leave description and keywords field blank, then All in One SEO will not use them on your homepage. If you want to get maximum benefits, then you must fill these in.
Keyword Settings
The Keyword Settings section under general settings page of All in One SEO page, allows you to specify how you want the plugin to handle meta keywords for your posts and pages. You can always manually add keywords for individual posts and pages which we will cover later in the article. In addition to those keywords, you can allow this plugin to automatically use tags and/or categories as keywords too (check out our guide Categories vs Tags – SEO Best Practices for sorting your content). The last option in this section is applicable only if you use a static homepage on your website and a separate page to display your blog posts. In that case, All in One SEO can dynamically generate a list of keywords based on posts appearing on the posts page at that time. We would recommend that you uncheck the dynamically generate keywords for post settings and manually add keywords to each page to get maximum benefits.
Keyword settings in All in One SEO plugin for WordPress
Title Settings
Title settings allow you to set the default title templates for every page generated by WordPress. This could be a single post, main page, archives, tags, or category pages. Each page generated by WordPress has a <title> set with in your WordPress theme files. The first option, rewrite titles, allows All in One SEO Pack to rewrite titles. It is enabled by default to override any theme settings. We recommend that you leave this setting as is because we believe that themes should not add SEO options and leave this to plugins who specialize in SEO.
Setting titles with All in One SEO Pack
You can also modify how page titles on your single, archive, and other pages appear by changing the predefined tags used for different page titles. We would recommend leaving them as it is for optimal results. The only thing you should change if you are creating a lot of landing pages is your page title format. Get rid of | %blog_title% part from page title format, so your site title is not taking up your 60 character limit, and your entire page title shows up in search.
Note: Google has a tendency to alter page titles on the fly, so don’t be surprised if your title on the page and on Google are different.
Webmaster Verification Settings
This is where you will add webmaster verification code provided by Google, Bing or Pinterest to verify ownership of your website. We highly recommend that to improve your site’s SEO you should sign up for Google Webmaster Tools and Bing Webmaster Tools. Adding your site will help these search engines to notify you when there is something wrong with your website. These webmaster tools will also provide you with useful insights about your site, and it’s search engine rankings. You can then use that information to plan your content strategy and improve your site’s SEO.