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腦力激盪思維 Mindjet MindManager 2012 v11.0.276 行動藍圖

腦力激盪思維 Mindjet MindManager 2012 v11.0.276 行動藍圖

Mindjet的®MindManager中®PRO 10腦力激盪思維,戰略思維和商業訊息轉換為行動藍圖,使團隊和組織工作得更快,更聰明,有更大的協調。
它延伸了核心映射功能,與主機的簡單的工具,合作,配置,管理決策更容易為商務人士快速交付底線福利企業wide.With的Mindjet MindManager Pro 6中,你會:

腦力激盪思維 Mindjet MindManager 2012 v11.0.276 行動藍圖

腦力激盪思維 Mindjet MindManager 2012 v11.0.276 行動藍圖產品特點:


通過頭腦風暴和追蹤任務的詳細訊息,自動計算摘要任務和改善資源利用,提高項目規劃。檢視MindManager的,Outlook和SharePoint任務,在新的同步甘特圖檢視或匯出到Microsoft Project的任務。

展示你的想法和增加參與使用MindManager的自動化的的演示檢視或自訂的幻燈片放映。 MindManager的動態演示文稿,你會很容易調整水平為每一位觀眾和捕捉重要的反饋意見的權利,在演示文稿中的細節。

節省時間和受益於強大的整合。訪問和更新的Microsoft Office檔案內MindManager的整合的瀏覽器。匯入Microsoft Word和項目。匯出到Word中,項目或PowerPoint。 Outlook或Excel中顯示動態內容。匯出網頁,圖像,PDF檔案等。或是,分享舉辦互動式地圖檔案在網路上的任何人,即使他們沒有MindManager的。


建立強大的動態Microsoft Outlook的儀表板,自動顯示和更新內容關聯的電子信件,任務,聯繫人,筆記和約會。填充為方便與桌上型或網路資料夾和檔案的分支。或是,執行網站像谷歌或必應的搜尋結果直接出現在你的地圖。





在Mac OS X的Firefox 3.6的使用者會發現,「檔案」>「匯出」視窗中顯示不標準。

Mindjet® MindManager® Pro 10 transforms brainstorming ideas, strategic thinking, and business information into blueprints for action, enabling teams and organizations to work faster, smarter, and with greater coordination. It extends core mapping functionality with a host of simple tools—collaboration, distribution, administration—making it easy for business professionals to quickly deliver bottom-line benefits enterprise-wide.With Mindjet MindManager Pro 6, you will:
Capture, analyze, and repurpose information from a variety of sources
Streamline business processes and speed decision making
Easily ensure all “stakeholders” stay informed, involved, on task.


Industry-leading Information Visualizations
Easily lay out, organize and work with ideas and information in a wide variety of interactive visual formats including information maps, outlines, Gantt charts, organization charts, tree diagrams and a special brainstorming mode.

Project & Task Management
Improve project planning by brainstorming and tracking task details, automatically calculating summary tasks and optimizing resource utilization. View MindManager, Outlook and SharePoint* tasks in the new synchronized Gantt view or export tasks to Microsoft Project.

Information Map Presentations
Showcase your ideas and increase engagement using MindManager’s automated presentation view or customizable slide shows. With MindManager’s dynamic presentations, you’ll easily tailor the level of details presented for each audience and capture critical feedback right in the presentation.

Integrations & Sharing
Save time and benefit from powerful integrations. Access and update Microsoft Office files within MindManager’s integrated browser. Import from Microsoft Word and Project. Export to Word, Project or PowerPoint. Display dynamic Outlook or Excel content. Export web pages, images, PDF files and more. Or, share hosted interactive map files with anyone on the web even if they do not have MindManager.

Capture Content & Add Context
Easily add hyperlinks, attachments, notes, images, and spreadsheets to provide additional levels of details. Quickly drag and drop content to reorganize it and provide structure. Use icons, tags, topic shapes, callouts, boundaries, colors, topic sorting and numbering to provide additional context.

Interactive Dashboards
Create powerful dynamic Microsoft Outlook dashboards to automatically display (and update) contextually relevant emails, tasks, contacts, notes and appointments. Populate branches with desktop or network folders & files for easy access. Or, perform web searches like Google or Bing with results appearing directly in your map.

Navigation & Viewing Controls
Easily navigate and control the levels of details displayed with powerful features like topic focus, show or hide branch, collapse map, quick filters and advanced power filters. Automatically fit or balance your map within the screen or use the mini-map view to navigate large maps.

Map Sharing Community
Share map templates with the extensive Mindjet community.

New and Improved Features
New Read Me map: For people who create new Connect accounts, when they first land in the application they will be presented with a Map that guides them through learning how to use basic mapping features. Once done they can either save it to share with colleagues later or not.
New ability to e-mail the account owner or administrator (business accounts) to easily ask for help with things like recovering deleted files and folders or discarding a checkout if another user has not checked a file back in that you need. To e-mail your account owner or administrator, simply click on their name in the Files/Folders access area and it prompts you to send an e-mail where you can enter your request for help.

Usability Improvements
When you previously unshared a folder with a user, their user name might still be listed as having access to it. We’ve fixed this issue such that the displayed folder’s list of users always accurately reflects its access permissions.
Changes to a user’s access role or access levels (e.g. changing a Member or Guest from “Read-only” to “Edit” or vice versa) are now displayed immediately. We have eliminated the sporadic delay some users experienced when making such changes.
We also fixed an issue where users’ names sometimes appeared multiple times in a file or folder’s access list. Now, a listed user name appears only once.
We repaired the ability to reset your password from the login page.
We eliminated an intermittent issue that changed the text font or color when typing in a topic on a map. Now, the text you add to a topic will maintain the topic’s text style.

Known Issues
NOTE: Some users may need to clear their browser cache in order for the new features and enhancements to take effect.
Mindjet Connect continues to support uploading files up to 64MB, a limit not previously documented. However, if you attempt to upload a file greater than 64MB, there is no error
message to inform you of the failed upload.
At times, users are unable to close “Get Started” map or switch to another Tab while this map is open. Reloading the webpage will enable the close the map.
Firefox 3.6 users on Mac OS X will find that the File>Export window is not displayed properly.
Safari users will need to click on the map in order to add a topic to it.

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