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(電腦遊戲助推器)Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10


Chris-PC Game Booster,是克裡斯電腦的優秀新產品,讓您得到其完整的硬體潛力。我們很多人通過讀書,聽音樂和大多數人通過玩遊戲放鬆。它是一個軟體工具,旨在為那些從他們的PC硬體想要得到最大限度的人,才能發揮自己喜愛的遊戲。窗戶是專為通用用途,故有像使用硬體的集中特定部分遊戲的具體專案均表現不佳。

Chris-PC Game Booster的行動以這樣一種模式,它能夠更快地訪問記憶體, CPU / GPU ,存儲磁碟和記憶體快取設定不同的參數的Windows註冊表和配置檔。此外,它調諧在這樣一種模式,以獲得所需要的一個線上遊戲者配置的細長的安裝Windows網路參數。


沒有升級到昂貴的新硬體( CPU / GPU / RAM)的需要在遊戲中改進的圖形使用者體驗:更高的顯示幀速率,更流暢的動畫圖形和更好的讀/寫訪問時間存儲磁碟機;
沒有遊戲修改更新:遊戲反作弊機制,不會把Chris-PC Game Booster作為作弊軟體。
增加所有,如電纜,DSL的U-verse , FiOS光纖和撥號上網連線類型的速度。

Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10 :
– 改進的速度調整為Windows 8.1更新1 。



【文章標題】: (電腦遊戲助推器)Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10
【文章作者】: 購物網站架站教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: (原創)購物網站架站教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10

Chris-PC Game Booster is a an outstanding new product of Chris P.C. srl that will rocket your PC and get its full hardware potential. Many of us relax by reading books, listening to music and most of us by playing games. And yes, Chris-PC Game Booster is a software tool meant for those who want to get the utmost from their PC hardware in order to play their favorite games. Windows is built for generic usage and therefore has average to poor performance for specific programs like games that use intensively specific parts of the hardware.

Chris-PC Game Booster goes in action setting different Windows parameters in registry and configurations files in such a way that it allows faster access to RAM memory, CPU/GPU, storage disks and cache memory. Furthermore it tunes the Windows network parameters in such a way as to obtain the slim setup needed for an online gamer profile.

Chris-PC Game Booster has many key features like:
Improved graphical user experience in games without the need of upgrading to expensive new hardware (CPU/GPU/RAM): higher display frame rates, smoother graphics animations and better read/write access times to storage drives;
Better online multiplayer games experience, without network lags.
No game patching: Anti-cheat mechanisms of games will not treat Chris-PC Game Booster as a cheating software.
Restore option to previous Windows settings: Convenient for keeping compatibility with other programs that you use frequently.
Increases the speed of all internet connection types such as Cable, DSL, U-Verse, Fios and dial-up.
Advanced software based over-clocking feature which enhances memory speed, CPU prioritization of full screen applications and internet speed for games.
Optimizes your computer hardware with 1 click to allow games to run faster and increases the speed of your internet connection for faster downloads and speed.
Simple and intuitive interface.

Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10:
– Improved speed tweaks for Windows 8.1 update 1.

(電腦遊戲助推器)Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10 | Homepage:

(電腦遊戲助推器)Chris-PC Game Booster 2.10 | Size: 1.7 MB

