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(安全網路功能應用程式)JScape Secure iNet Factory 9.2.0 for Java


JScape Secure iNet Factory是一套易於使用的,基於Java元件開發安全的網路功能的應用程式。它包括的元件為所有主要的網路協定,內含DNS,SMTP , FTP,FTPS , HTTP,HTTPS , IMAP , MIME , NNTP , POP , SFTP , SSH , TELNET , SSL和其他。

使用JScape Secure iNet Factory的工廠開發者可以快速構建安全的應用程式,內含安全的檔案傳輸,安全電子信件,安全的遠端shell ,安全的新聞和更多。

支援JDK 1.4及以上
所有主要的網際網路協定,內含FTP,FTPS , SSH , SFTP , IMAP,POP , SMTP , HTTP,DNS , SSL , MIME和其他元件。
獨立於平台的100 %的Java使用任何平台上

DNS檢索DNS伺服器功能變數名記錄。全面的API對所有記錄類型,內含指標(PTR ) ,信件交換( MX ) ,主機訊息( HINFO )和更多的支援。
EmailMessage在準備使用SMTP元件傳送建立電子信件。分析使用POP或IMAP元件下載信件的內容。高度靈活的API與附件, HTML內容,自訂頁眉,國際字元編碼和更多的支援。
FTP / FTPS傳輸檔案從一個FTP伺服器。易於使用的API內含多個檔案和目錄傳輸,處理能力VMS , NT和UNIX風格的目錄清單和更多的支援。內含對FTPS (基於SSL的FTP ),讓您安全地與FTP伺服器提供SSL支援交換資料的支援。
使用FTP或FTPS (基於SSL的FTP )協定FXP進行站台到站台傳輸。
HtmlEmailMessage建立基於HTML電子信件。 API容許輕鬆地內嵌圖像和HTML的電子信件,同時提供對於不支援HTML的用戶端的HTML文字的替代品。
HTTP檢索資料和HTTP伺服器上送出表單。易於使用的API加入表單參數, cookie和自訂頁眉。
HttpFileUpload使用RFC 1867基於表單的檔案上傳到HTML協定上傳檔案到任何HTTP伺服器。
HTTPS安全地取得資料和HTTP伺服器上送出表單。易於使用的API加入表單參數, cookie和自訂頁眉。啟用SSL。
IMAP檢索電子信件,刪除電子信件和IMAP伺服器,例如Microsoft Exchange的管理信箱。內含CRAM-MD5認證支援。
IpClient建立與任何伺服器的TCP / IP用戶端連線。內含事件知會和逾時功能。
IpClientSsh建立使用安全的SSH隧道安全的TCP / IP用戶端的連線。
IpClientSsl使用SSL建立安全的TCP / IP用戶端的連線。
NNTP閱讀,網際網路上的新聞組搜尋和發佈文章。流線型的效能使用RFC 2980通用的NNTP延伸定義的功能。
SshScript / SshSession自動執行指令的SSH伺服器上執行。易於使用的API,支援多任務,任務響應和更多的評價。
TelnetScript / TelnetSession自動執行指令的Telnet伺服器上執行。易於使用的API,支援多任務,任務響應和更多的評價。
ZIP ZIP壓縮/解壓縮的檔案和目錄。


【文章標題】: (安全網路功能應用程式)JScape Secure iNet Factory 9.2.0 for Java
【文章作者】: 搜尋引擎排名SEO技術教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: (原創)搜尋引擎排名SEO技術教學密訓基地,轉載必須保留完整標頭。刪除者依法追究!
JScape Secure iNet Factory 9.2.0 for Java

Secure iNet Factory is a suite of easy-to-use Java based components for developing secure network capable applications. It includes components for all major networking protocols including DNS, SMTP, FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, MIME, NNTP, POP, SFTP, SSH, telnet, SSL and several others.

Using Secure iNet Factory developers can quickly build secure applications to include secure file transfer, secure email, secure remote shell, secure news and more.

Feature Summary
Support for JDK 1.4 and above
Components for all major Internet protocols including FTP, FTPS, SSH, SFTP, IMAP, POP, SMTP, HTTP, DNS, SSL, MIME and others.
Fast robust components with proven reliability in mission critical applications
Detailed reference documentation and JavaDoc
Platform independent 100% Java for use on any platform
Royalty-free distribution rights

Dns Retrieve domain records from DNS servers. Comprehensive API with support for all record types including pointer (PTR), mail exchanger (MX), host info (HINFO) and more.
EmailMessage Create email messages in preparation for sending using the Smtp component. Analyze the content of messages downloaded using the Pop or Imap components. Highly flexible API with support for attachments, HTML content, custom headers, international character encoding and more.
EmailInspector Validate email addresses with varying levels of validation.
Ftp/Ftps Transfer files to and from an FTP server. Easy-to-use API includes support for multiple file and directory transfer, ability to handle VMS, NT and UNIX style directory listings and more. Includes support for FTPS (FTP over SSL) allowing you to securely exchange data with FTP servers offering SSL support.
Fxp Perform site to site transfer using the FTP or FTPS (FTP over SSL) protocols.
Gzip GZIP compress/decompress files.
HtmlEmailMessage Create HTML based email messages. API allows for easily embedding images and HTML in the email while providing text alternatives for HTML clients that do not support HTML.
Http Retrieve data and submit forms on HTTP servers. Easy to use API for adding form parameters, cookies and custom headers.
HttpFileUpload Upload files to any HTTP server using the RFC 1867 Form- based File Upload in HTML protocol.
Https Securely retrieve data and submit forms on HTTP servers. Easy to use API for adding form parameters, cookies and custom headers. SSL enabled.
Imap Retrieve email, delete email and manage mailboxes on IMAP servers such as Microsoft Exchange. Includes support for CRAM-MD5 authentication.
IpClient Establish TCP/IP client connections with any server. Includes event notification and time-out capabilities.
IpClientSsh Create secure TCP/IP client connections using secure SSH tunneling.
IpClientSsl Create secure
TCP/IP client connections using SSL.
MimeMessage Easily create MIME compliant messages. Flexible easy-to-use API with support for multipart messages, international character encoding and more.
Nntp Read, search and post articles on Internet newsgroups. Streamlined performance using capabilities defined in RFC 2980 Common NNTP Extensions.
Pop Retrieve and delete email from POP3 servers. Easy-to-use API with built in support for APOP authentication.
Rexec Remotely execute commands on servers using the BSD rexec protocol.
Rlogin Remotely login to servers using the BSD rlogin protocol.
Sftp Transfer files to and from an SSH server.
Smtp Send email using the SMTP protocol. Easy to use API streamlined for sending large quantities of email.
Ssh Communicate with SSH shell. Easy to use API for automating SSH tasks.
SshScript/SshSession Automate the execution of commands on a SSH server. Easy-to-use API supports multiple tasks, evaluation of task responses and more.
Telnet Communicate with Telnet servers. Easy to use API with extensible option negotiation and event handling capabilities.
TelnetScript/TelnetSession Automate the execution of commands on a Telnet server. Easy-to-use API supports multiple tasks, evaluation of task responses and more.
Whois Easily query domain registrars for information on domain owners, domain contacts and more.
Zip Zip compress/decompress files and directories.

(安全網路功能應用程式)JScape Secure iNet Factory 9.2.0 for Java | Homepage:

(安全網路功能應用程式)JScape Secure iNet Factory 9.2.0 for Java | Size: 5.5 MB

